The Leadership Crew offers clients a variety of coaching and training services. We tailor it to meet the unique needs and goals of an individual or an organization.

Our offerings include one-on-one coaching in person or online, mastermind groups, group coaching, leadership training, executive training, community-building events, lunch-and-learns, speaking engagements, mentorship opportunities, and more. These are all designed to empower you to take action in influencing those around you in a positive way.

Let us help you be more productive in creating action plans to achieve your personal and professional goals. Be part of a high-performing group and reach the next level of success. Save time and live a happier life filled with encouragement and support.

I grew up with little means. As the oldest of nine children, I came upon a disciplined work ethic from a very young age. For me, excuses were off the table. I discovered that living life to the fullest began on the other side of the uncomfortable. Patience and gratefulness amidst a life of challenges had been my chief virtues.

Looking back to where I started, lending a hand to my fellow people is the cornerstone of my philosophy and the secret to my knack for coaching others. I take pride in giving birth to the Leadership Crew after my initiatives have grown my business’s sales division to a multi-million dollar enterprise in less than four years. I knew in my heart that with the right coaching, others could achieve the same success that I had found.

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